Strategies for Sustainable
Development: A discussion paper prepared by the Sustainable Development Unit (DFID), IIED and CAPE ODI. Do county-level
strategic planning frameworks, such as Poverty Reduction Strategies
and Comprehensive Development Frameworks, have the potential to assist
developing countries to achieve sustainable development? What is the
relationship between PRSPs, CDFs and national strategies for sustainable
development? Is there an opportunity for a convergence of action
for sustainable development? The attached discussion paper attempts
to address some of these questions. It has been prepared by DFID,
IIED and the Overseas Development Institute. |
Summary New country-level strategic planning frameworks, such as Poverty Reduction Strategies and Comprehensive Development Frameworks, have the potential to assist developing countries to achieve sustainable development. They provide a vital tool for the achievement of the international development targets. There is an emerging consensus on the principles of sustainable development, and there needs to be strong commitment from both donors and developing countries to put these principles into practice. A process for monitoring strategic processes for sustainable development needs to be agreed internationally. Only when such commitment and monitoring is in place, can the challenges be addressed and the target of the implementation of national strategies for sustainable development be achieved. |
Click here for the full text of the discussion paper.