Development Networking Programme (SDNP), Pakistan, is part of UNDP's global
initiative in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
for sustainable development. It has been in operation since early 1993
in Pakistan and is being managed by IUCN - The World Conservation Union.
pioneered the use of email and other Internetworking technologies in the
country, it has launched another initiative - Pakistan's Development Gateway
SDNP has also
trained more than a 100 development organizations, including about
a third from the government to set up, maintain and update their websites.
These websites have been hosted on SDNP's servers free of cost and
have significantly added to the local development content about Pakistan.
Some of the training modules developed by the SDNP team are also
available through the website.
for the future include an Urdu gateway, a section on grey literature and
more active knowledge networking through a group of local experts. The
site is still in its infancy but is expected to evolve and grow to its
ambitious billing. The url for the site is:
welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Development Networking Programme
12, Street 85, Sector G-6/4, P.O. Box 3099, Islamabad Pakistan
++92 51 270684 Fax: ++ 92 51 279072 Website: