Updated 10 June, 2003

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nssd Dialogues in Bolivia, Oct 2000 - Feb 2001

OECD/DAC Dialogue between Donors and Developing Countries on national strategies of sustainable development (nssd) : ‘Dialogue’ Exercise in Bolivia


1. Specific objectives of the Exercise in Bolivia

To analyse experience of strategies related to sustainable development in Bolivia in order to:

  1. Extract lessons to contribute to the Guide for donors

  2. Generate a better understanding of sustainable development strategies in Bolivia

2. Completed Activities (March–September 2000)

National Working Group

Aníbal Aguilar, Bolhispania (Coordinator of the exercise Nssd in Bolivia)
Daniel Álvarez, MDSP
Cinthya Yánez, MDE
Jaime Araníbar and Roberto Rivero, UDAPE
Monica Sanchez, VIPFE

Donor Contact Group for Sustainable Development

Jesús Quintana, AECI
Liz Ditchburn, DFID
María del Carmen Rocabado, GTZ
Willy Graff, COSUDE
Annette Görne, UE

Objective (for the phase of March - September)

To develop the Document of the Status Review of sustainable development strategies in Bolivia, focusing on strategies, plans and participatory processes, by means of a review of documents, consultations with key actors and analysis of the process of the National Dialogue II.

Summary of completed activities

Preparatory activities

    1. The consultant's selection, organization of the national team, participation in the Planning Workshop in Tanzania and development of the work plan.

    2. Presentations of the exercise in Bolivia

Tracking Participatory Processes

Tracking the process of the National Dialogue II (the government consultation conducted from June-August 2000 for the development of the PRSP): this involved attending the Dialogue consultation meetings at municipal and departmental level in seven regions (as an observer). The ND II involved separate consultations on three issues: social needs, economic development and political reform.

    1. Tracking progress with, and participation in, the consultations to feed into the ND II facilitated by civil society: Jubilee 2000 (Catholic Church); Committee of Producers, local consultations.

    2. Tracking progress with ongoing strategy processes (Biodiversity Strategy, forest strategies and experiences of the private sector)

    3. Review and analysis of documents

    4. Focusing on Agenda 21, Global Plans for Economic and Social Development (PGDES – a five year plan required by the Constitution), Regional Plans (PDDES) and municipal plans (PDMs). The 1997 PGDES is effectively a sustainable development strategy. It provides broad development goals and a methodology for decentralised and participatory planning (at regional and municipal levels), to give effect to the 1994 Law on Public Participation which decentralises public investment to regional and municipal levels.

    5. Study of documented cases of regional and local planning processes in Potosi and Chuquisaca.

    6. Consultations and events with key actors

    7. Sectoral consultations with specialists and parliamentary groups, and other consultations with experts in strategic planning and processes of sustainable development.

    8. National Workshop in Santa Cruz (19 and 20 of September) to present and to analyse experiences with strategies related to sustainable development.

    9. Meetings with the donor group on sustainable development and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Planning.

    10. Production of Documents

    11. Documents about the recent history and experiences of strategic processes related to sustainable development.

3. Workplan (September 2000 to February 2001)


To conclude the document of Status Review of sustainable development strategies and to develop the second phase of the exercise of analysis of sustainable development strategies in Bolivia, by means of participatory consultation exercises and identification of lessons.

Expected results:

  • Document of the Status Review of SD strategies in Bolivia that will include a description of strategies, plans and participatory processes, covering the period 1990-2000, with special emphasis on the period of 1992-2000. The review will identify policies, strategies and laws for sustainable development, as well as key institutions and stakeholders involved in policy and planning. Those sustainable public and private development strategies that allow extraction of key lessons for the DAC exercise will be prioritised (PGDES, Popular Participation, National Strategy for the Conservation of the Biodiversity, forest strategies, Agenda 21, and private sector strategies). The review will also draw on existing studies (eg. two studies on the ND I of 1997).

  • Final Document of the DAC ‘dialogue’ exercise that includes detailed analysis of the following strategies, plans and participatory processes, as well as lessons learned:

      • Popular participation (law and planning process)

      • National dialogue II (for the PRSP)

      • Strategies and plans at the regional and local level

      • The PRSP (and its relation to sustainable development)

      • The role of the donors in supporting SD strategies

  • A report containing recommendations for action in Bolivia that have emerged as a result of the exercise.

Workplan: Schedule and activities

The specific issues to be addressed in the Status Review and consultations (‘dialogue’) will be identified using the ‘prompt’ guide – questions will be identified/modified in relation to the focus/context of the work in Bolivia. The work will also pay particular attention to the themes and issues identified in the draft Guide for donors developed at the Thailand Workshop, as appropriate.

October 2000

  1. Participation in the Mid-Term Review Workshop in Thailand.

  2. Finalising the report of the National Workshop in Santa Cruz.

  3. Continuation of work to prepare the Status Review document

November 2000

  1. By mid-November: the draft Status Review document will be finalised and sent to IIED for comment. Key lessons will be highlighted for inclusion in the draft Guidance for donors.

  2. Identification of strategies and regional and local plans that allow extraction of key lessons and could be analysed in more detail.

  3. Focus Group to review experience with the Public Participation Law and the process of the National Dialogue II, and identify territorial and functional lessons (?). The factors which enabled the establishment of the institutional framework for decentralised and participatory planning will be examined, as well as the factors that facilitate and constrain the effective application of this planning system in practice.

  4. Regional workshop in Tarija, to examine experience of regional and local planning processes and their impacts in practice. The region has been chosen because the Parlimentary Commission for SD has requested support to develop a regional strategy for sustainable development. The Commission will hold local consultations prior to the regional workshop, which will assist the identification of successful or interesting cases to review, and of key participants to attend the workshop. The first day of the regional workshop will analyse past experience with planning processes and the second will discuss the future strategy.

December 2000

  1. Regional Workshop (in Oruro or Cochabamba) on experiences of local planning. The objectives and approach will be as for the workshop in Tarija. A request for a workshop in Oruro has also been received (from who? for what?).

  2. Conclusion of the analysis of the consultation processes for the ND II organised by civil society.
  3. Analysis of the first draft of the PRSP.

  4. Interviews to key informants that have key experiences on the list of the donors

January 2001

  1. Focus Group for consultation with donors on experiences and lessons on the role of international cooperation in supporting SD strategy processes

  2. Focus Group on the PRSP and synergies with elements of strategies for sustainable development, and how SD objectives can reinforce its objectives.

  3. Preparation of the Final Report of the DAC ‘dialogue’ exercise.

  4. Advice for the organization of the Final Workshop for the DAC initiative (as a whole)

February 2001

  1. Final Workshop in Santa Cruz (Bolivia), to present the results of the exercises of all the countries

  1. Final report of recommendations for Bolivia

4. Steering Committee and Lead Team of the Exercise in Bolivia

a. Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will be identified in the first phase of the Exercise, by means of consultations with key actors of the country (government, civil society, private sector) and the national offices of the donor countries. Wide consent should be secured for the selection of its members.

Initially an Informal Steering Committee for the exercise was established, composed by the agencies of cooperation of Germany, Spain, European Union, United Kingdom and Switzerland. In early October, this Committee was substituted by a Steering Committee with wider representation.

Terms of Reference

  • To name the members of the lead team leader that will accompany the Consultant
  • To agree the Workplan for October 2000 - February 2001
  • To provide advice and guidelines for the realization of the mentioned Exercise, to the Lead Team in Bolivia and the coordinating institution of the global Initiative (IIED), in accordance with the terms of reference for the Initiative DAC/NSSD
  • To support the realization of the exercise according to the foreseen workplan and schedule for Bolivia

  • To guarantee the necessary consent on the objectives and the methodology of the Exercise among the key actors of the country

  • To comment on the status review and the consultation exercises presented by the Team Leader, as well as on the final report of the Exercise
  • To support the realization of the Final Workshop of the Initiative in Bolivia, in February 2001


The Steering Committee will meet periodically (in a bimonthly way) to carry out its tasks:

October 2000: Creation of the Committee

December 2000: Inform and revision of registered advances

February 2001: Revision of the final report and preparation for the Final Workshop of the Exercise


The Steering Committee will be chaired by the Minister for Sustainable Development and Planning, and include representation of the Government, civil society, private sector and international cooperation:

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Planning

Commission of Sustainable Development, H. Camera of Deputies (Parliament)

Vice-Ministry for Public Investment and External Finance (VIPFE)

Económic and Social Policy Analisis Unit (UDAPE)

Strategic Economic Agenda, Ministry of Economic Development

1 representative of the environmental NGOs

1 representative of the private sector

2 representatives of the International Cooperation

Lead Team


In the first phase of the Exercise two work groups, a National Working Group and a Donor Contact Group were identified. In the second phase, it is considered important to formalize a smaller and more focused working group (Lead Team) to the carry out the work

Terms of Reference

It should carry out the tasks described in the global Terms of Reference of the Initiative, as well as those specifically have identified in the Workplan for the Exercise of Bolivia.

In a general way these tasks are:

  • To liaise with the coordinating institution of the Initiative (IIED), and to coordinate with it on the methodological aspects of the Exercise in Bolivia

  • To carry out the Status Review of SD strategies and participatory processes (ongoing, planned or already concluded)

  • To organize and to develop the consultations of strategies for sustainable development (based on seminars, round tables, workshops, discussion groups, interviews and other participatory methods)

  • To provide information on progress with the Status Review and the Exercise in general to the Steering Committee of the Exercise, to the key actors of the country and the coordinating institution of the Initiative (IIED)

  • To support and advise the organization of the Final Workshop of the Initiative in Bolivia, in February of 2001

  • To present a final report of the exercise to the Steering Committee and the Coordinating Institution of the Initiative (IIED) according to the foreseen Workplan schedule


Aníbal Aguilar, Coordinator of the Nssd Exercise in Bolivia

Daniel Álvarez, Advisory, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Planning

Resource Persons

Cinthia Yañez, Agenda Estratégica Ministerio Desarrollo Económico

Roberto Rivero, Unidad de Análisis de Política Económica


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