21, agreed at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, called on all countries
to introduce National Strategies for Sustainable Development (nssd).
Since then, two international targets have been set: a Special Session
of the UN General Assembly (Rio +5) set a target date of 2002 for
nssds to be introduced; while the OECD Development Assistance
Committee (DAC) has set a target date of 2005 for nssds to be in
the process of implementation.
initiated a project to develop policy guidance for development assistance
agencies on the development and implementation of nssds. This project,
'OECD/DAC Donor-Developing Country Dialogues on National Strategies
for Sustainable Development', involves a review of experience with
nssds, and other strategies for environment and development, in
a number of developing countries on the basis of consultations with
a range of stakeholders. It focuses in particular on the kinds of
processes and conditions required to make nssds work in practice.
web site provides tools to assist in promoting dialogues on national
strategies for sustainable development and providing necessary background
information and reference material in support of these dialogues.
objectives are to:
improve international understanding of the key challenges and
modalities for developing and implementing effective nssds.
- elaborate
good practices for donors in assisting developing countries with
the formulation and implementation of nssds.
- inform
bilateral donor response to developing country requests for support
of nssd processes.
site is funded by DFID
(UK) and SIDA.