(a) Weaknesses
Low level of understanding
of the "Participatory Approach"
The grassroot
and/or target population is not fully participating in the planning
process. This is partly because officials (experts) at district as
well as regional level have the tendency to do the plans for the people,
instead of improving the grassroot planning capacity and let them
do the plans on their own.
The current planning
process takes too long to be accomplished thus delaying the key decisions
It encourages
unsustainable projects and programmes
In some cases,
particularly where the top-down approach is practised, ideas are imposed
from the top.
Many projects
do not consider stakeholders priorities
The planning
system does not consider the existing and/or available resources
Some of the decisions
made affect the income levels of the people at the grassroot e.g.
crop levies.
Some of the local
taxes are introduced and/or their rates changed without the knowledge
of the people at the grassroot
The spirit and/or
tradition of voluntary services is disrupted.
Poor project
management after its commencement.
(b) Strengths
- Though to a
very low degree, some of the grassroot stakeholders have been involved
in the planning process
- The efforts
have started to strengthen "Participatory Approach"
in planning
- The top-down
planning approach is less costly, less bureaucratic easy to implement
- The top-down
planning approach minimizes political wrangle
(C) Planning
linkages between the local planning level and higher planning levels
are evident mainly through the following channels:-
are also many other linkages, which are made when the villages notify
the higher authorities on e.g. natural calamities etc. Participation
of some of the members of the village government in higher level meetings
reinforce the linkage between the different levels in the planning
4.2 Strategies
for Planning for Sustainable Development
Regional group and Rungwe District group suggested a few new strategies
while the remaining districts agreed on the strategies in the draft
report. Table 3 below presents the findings on "strategies
for planning for sustainable development" as follows:-
Table 3: Strategies
for Sustainable Development
To provide educational knowledge to the village
community and the officials
Agreed with the report
Agreed with the report
To improve policies and target them into participatory
To alleviate poverty through "Ward
Plan" "Mpangokata" which has a
goal of alleviating poverty by involving the community
4.3 Basic and
Necessary Steps for Planning for Sustainable Development a Village,
Ward and District Levels
District Planning Process is reported to start from the sub-village
(Kitongoji) moving upwards to the Village Government, Ward Development
Committee and finally to the District Full Council (Fig. 1) which
makes final decisions.
1: Planning Flow Chart Showing Different Planning Stages (Levels)

above defined structure has existed for more than two decades and
consists mainly of three committees which are reported to be instrumental
in development activities at the local level. These are:-
- The Finance
and Planning Committee
- Committee for
Social and Economic Services and
Security and
interest to know was how the "plan" is actually prepared
at the grassroot before it moves to the higher levels, that is the
"process". While in some places the planning process
is well explained by the fact that there are village assemblies that
consist of all villagers of over 18 years of age, males and females;
in some places the process is still undefined.
the planning process is well adopted, new ideas normally emerge from
different planning committees after pondering through the agendas
as tabled to the meeting for discussion. The consensus reached in
village assemblies culminates into identification of key problems
and the formulation of projects. It is yet important to note here
that some of the ideas taken on board by the village planning councils
originate from informal group discussions, for example, during beer/local
brew taking where some important issues of concern are raised.
of village governments are forwarded to the higher level, that of
the Ward Development Committee where the village chairpersons and
the Village Executive Officers (VEO) are members. As already mentioned
above, in places where the planning process is not well defined, the
issue of participation raises a lot of questions. In most of the sub-urban
areas for example, there are complaints raised of non-involvement
of the stakeholders in the planning process. Nature, structure and
the type of leadership were pointed out to be among the contributing
factors. In Mbozi District where Tanzakesho Programme is operating,
the planning cycle in the programme areas is said to have the following
stages (Fig 2).
- Problem identification
- Preparation
of projects and resource requirements
- Implementation
and Management of projects
- Participatory
Monitoring and
(i) and (ii) have been carried out in a participatory manner in all
the wards where Tanzakesho operates. In view of the strong
participatory nature of the Tanzakesho Planning Cycle, the
District authorities are planning to adopt the system in preparing
all ward plans (Mpangokata).
2: The Proposed Planning Cycle at Local Level: TANZAKESHO Model
4.4 Areas in
the Planning Cycle where Capacity is most needed
A total of seven
broad areas were highlighted during the interview as summarized in
table 4 below:
4: Capacity Building Demands in the Planning Cycle
Areas requiring capacity building
Development project formulation and resources
requirement district, ward, village levels (Technical
Project implementation, management, and monitoring
at district, ward and village levels and resources (finance,
Project monitoring and evaluation district,
ward and village levels (Technical know-how)
To mobilize the community to have the knowledge
of being able to identify problems that surround them, analyse
and find solutions (knowledge).
Involvement of women in planning, implemention
and decision making so as to increase efficiency in different
activities and projects
4.5 Participation
in Planning and Decision Making
We have pointed
out above, that planning starts at the Sub-Village (Kitongoji)
where all residents who are 18 years and above participate in generating
ideas and preparing a sub-village plan. However, the process of getting
a Sub-Village plan was not very clear. Three people, namely the Chairperson
and 2 other persons who are appointed by the Chairperson form the
Sub-Village committee. The committee is then responsible for forwarding
the plan to the Village Government.
Village Government, constitutes 25 members. Out of which 30% are women.
The village government then compiles the Sub-Village plans into a
village plan. In the Village Government the sub-villages are represented
by their respective chairpersons. The compiled village plan is then
tabled to the village assembly for endorsement and approval before
it is submitted to the Ward Development Committee (WDC). All Village
Government Chairpersons are members of the WDC. The WDC then compiles
all village plans, into a Ward Plan which is then endorsed and submitted
to the District Council.
planning process is more so in the rural areas where mobilization
and sensitisation appear to have made a positive impact. In the urban
areas the situation is different because participatory approach is
not practiced. Leaders of the urban dwellers are reluctant to initiate
mobilization and sensitisation activities because they fear to be
held accountable and/or responsible by the more knowledgeable urban
people. The urban residents are more knowledgeable, they know their
rights and can not be manipulated easily. Since the urban local government
leaders are aware of the status of the people they lead, they do not
encourage interaction with them reportedly in order to hide their
dubious activities thus protecting their personal interests.
accountability and transparency are almost absent in the urban areas
and therefore participation is suppressed. This is mainly the problem
with urban grassroot and urban middle level e.g. at district as well
as regional level. The urban higher level category/group is to a greater
extent free from this bottleneck.
from the "Tanzakesho planning system", the traditional
planning system exhibits very low participation in practice. This
is the major weakness of the system. However, its strength lies in
the fact that it operates in a well-defined structure and it has already
some basics of community participation in place. As such most
stakeholders were of the opinion that despite weaknesses in the traditional
planning system, it is still the best so far. This is because it provides
a clear and convenient opportunity to all eligible members of the
village to participate fully in both the planning process and decision
making process. Some improvements are certainly required to make it
truly participatory.
4.6 Planning
planning capacity at both local and district level was reported to
be low, inadequate or completely lacking. The capacity referred to
by stakeholders was that of human resource, finance, institutional
framework and infrastructural. The human resource deficiency was reported
to be observed at the level of education of the leadership, the community
and entrepreneurs. This situation has given room for political interference
and for leaders being less accountable. Most of the leaders have very
poor knowledge and expertise in preparing projects, budgets and in
conducting project evaluation.
problem of financial capacity was referred to weak resource base and
the inability to exploit the available local resources. This weakness
is particularly serious during plan implementation. Many of the good
plans and projects have tended to fail due to inadequate funds.
institutional capacity problem is due to lack of effective coordination,
sudden changes in the organizational set up of the government, slow
implementation of the reform process and frequent staff transfers
On the other hand, weakness in the infrastructural capacity is explained
by the lack of the necessary working equipment.
the planing cycle itself, the areas which were identified to have
serious capacity problem were, project preparation, implementation
and management, and monitoring and evaluation. These areas are
still very weak. They need to be strengthened if the designed projects
are to be sustainable.
4.7 Constraints
Towards Planning for Sustainable Development
factors were pointed out as constraints to planning sustainable development.
The most critical ones are:-
of community participation, that is bottom-up planning
which involves all stakeholders, while the practice still supports
strongly the top-down approach.
is a major bottleneck because most planners were/are trained in
top-down approach. They are used to it and they believe in it. In
discussing with planners who advocate top down approach, the following
arguments were presented:-
- It is less
- It reduces
conflicts between the technical staff and politicians of the respective
area in the district. The main issue here is that because of non-participatory
nature of planning, there are no promises made or false hopes
built to the community.
- It provides
an opportunity of dealing with only critical issues/needs/problems
of the community. (Planners assume they know all the needs
and problems of the community).
- It is possible
to implement only those projects, which are economically viable,
socially desirable and environmentally friendly.
- It is easy
to defend such projects in all the committees of the Council.
there are many "planners" in Tanzania and "donors"
who share the above ideas. We have no reason not to believe the presence
of such planners all over Tanzania because the above facts were given
by the planners themselves. And it is probably high time two critical
decisions were made in respect of local level participatory planning:-
- Mounting
of courses on participatory planning for all planners and sector
Making an
official declaration that participatory planning is the approach
to planning in Tanzania. Thus a law need to be enacted and passed
to ensure its enforcement.
these two decisions are not made, planning for sustainable development
will be like the old Swahili saying which reads "kumpigia
gitaa mbuz" "playing a guitar to a goat".
(ii) By-passing
the urban population in participatory planning for development
discussing with the business groups in Mbozi and Rungwe, a concern
was raised regarding their not being involved in decisions related
to the development of their own nation. The urban sector feels more
informed about national development issues than the rural sector because
of their advantage of access to both electronic and print media. And
yet their contribution to planning for development is practically
nil. For them they argued that if this was done, they were sure of
increased efficiency and effectiveness in project implementation
(iii) donors
coming with pre-manufactured projects in form of ideas and technical
assistance under the guise of participation, when it is actually guided
(iv) changes
in government policies and set-up which usually do not take into account
their impact on sustainable development.
major constraints in Planning for Sustainable Development are also
summarized in table 5 below:
Table 5: Constraints
in Planning for Sustainable Development
Unbearable and excessive poverty
Lack of support from decision makers
Community not knowing their right in participation
during planning for development
Politicians interference in the plans
for sustainable development
Difficulties in promoting development in villages
Lack of resources
Lack of enthusiasm from the technocrats due
to lack of incentives
Lack of capital
The weather condition
Lack of adequate skills and knowledge
Low technology
Inadequate infrastructure
Laws that do not take into consideration the
stakeholders interests
Policies that do not take into consideration
the stakeholders interests
Tough/difficult conditions from donors
Lack of political will
Culture and habits that are not good and gender
Inadequate information about plans (research)
Unavailability of inputs that are of good quality
High cost of production compared to crop prices
Lack of reliable market for selling crops that
are produced within the district
Low government budget
Poor coordination in development plans