Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
(GTZ) GmbH - German Technical Cooperation- is one of the world's largest consultancy
organisations for development cooperation. GTZ is owned by the German government
and implements technical cooperation activities of the government. In 130 countries
of Africa, Asia and Latin America and in the transition countries of Central
Europe more than 10,000 GTZ co-workers are helping to improve the living standards
and opportunities for local people and preserve their natural basis of life.
GTZ's chief financing organisation is the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation
Development (BMZ). GTZ is a public-benefit company and primarily uses public
funds for its operations. Any surplus which ensues is used exclusively for development
cooperation projects.
GTZ advises people and organisations in planning,
implementing and evaluating projects and programmes in more than 130 countries
of the world. Their expertise addresses all areas of a country's economy - be
it controlling forest fires in Indonesia, AIDS prevention in Kenya, vocational
training in Argentina, right through to government advisory services in the
countries of the former Soviet Union. Experts from 30 specialised activity areas
("Health and population" or "Forest management and nature conservation" are
but two examples) are helping to plan and implement more than 2,700 projects.
Specialists at Head Office and in the field pool and exchange their knowledge
via sector networks, for example, on issues such as "Economic reform and employment
promotion". In certain areas, e.g. "building technology" the GTZ network locks
in with different institutions - universities, non-governmental organisations
or political foundations - to create an animated exchange of information. To
implement its project work GTZ recruits local or German experts and provides
them with intensive briefing and support during their assignment. Some 1,500
field staff members are presently working together with 8,318 locally-contracted
personnel. Another 800 "integrated experts" are directly posted with employers
in partner countries. Should a country lack suitably qualified personnel GTZ
can organise customised training courses. Procurement services assist in obtaining
the equipment and materials needed for project work; financial contributions
are awarded and settled. Equipment and financial contributions directly benefit
projects and programmes and are non-reimbursable.
Mr Stephan Paulus
Wachsbleiche 1
53111 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-985-330
Fax: +49-228-985-7018
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