Swiss Development Cooperation
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is part
of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Its mandate is based on the Federal
Law on International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid enacted on
19 March 1976, and on a federal decree of 24 March 1995 on cooperation with
the countries of Eastern Europe.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is part
of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Its mandate is based on the Federal
Law on International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid enacted on
19 March 1976, and on a federal decree of 24 March 1995 on cooperation with
the countries of Eastern Europe.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC) is responsible
for the following four areas of activity of the Federal Department of Foreign
Affairs (FDA) : Bilateral Development Co-operation Multilateral Development
Co-operation Humanitarian Aid Technical Co-operation with Eastern Europe.
With an annual budget of approximately 1 billion Swiss francs
and about 400 staff members both at home and abroad, the SDC provides services
through direct operations, by supporting the programmes of multilateral organisations
and by co-financing and making financial contributions to the programmes of
Swiss and international private assistance bodies.
The aim of Development Co-operation is to combat poverty by providing
help towards self-help. In particular, it promotes economic and government autonomy,
contributes to the improvement of production conditions, helps to solve environmental
problems and strives for better access to education and basic health care for
the most disadvantaged population groups.
The mandate of the Swiss Confederation’s Humanitarian Aid is
to save lives and alleviate suffering. It provides direct aid in the wake of
natural disasters and in cases of armed conflict through interventions by the
Swiss Disaster Relief Corps (SDR). It also supports humanitarian partner organisations.
The SDC supports the countries of eastern Europe and the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) on their road to democracy and the market economy
by knowledge transfer and contributions to problem solving.
While humanitarian aid is provided where it is most needed, bilateral
development co-operation is concentrated on 16 target countries in Africa, Asia
and Latin America. Technical Co-operation with Eastern Europe is concentrated
on the Balkans. In addition, there exists at present special programmes in Bosnia
and some CIS countries. Most of the SDC’s multilateral work is with UN bodies,
the World Bank and the regional Development Banks. Overall, there are about
800 multi-year programmes and projects in operation at present.
Ms Thérèse Adam
Chef de la Section Environnement, Forêt, Energie
Direction du Développement et de la Coopération
Départment Fédéral des Affaires Étrangères
Berne CH – 30003
Tel: +41-31-325-9278
Fax: +41-31-325-9362
Email: Therese.Adam@SDC.Admin.Ch
Therese.Adam@DEZA.Admin.Ch |