International Institute
for Environment and Development
IIED is an independent, non-profit
organisation that exists to promote sustainable development
through research, policy studies, networking and knowledge dissemination.
Founded in 1971, and based in London, IIED has earned a world-wide
reputation in the development field and was the first organisation
to win the Blue Planet Prize (1992) for outstanding contributions
to environmental policy and action. |
The Institute conducts collaborative research and
project work on natural resource management, urban development,
markets and trade, environmental economics, planning and assessment,
and governance issues. This work is undertaken through various groups
and programmes: Biodiversity and Livelihoods; Drylands; Environmental
Economics; Forestry and Land Use; Human Settlements; Strategies,
Planning and Assessment; Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Livelihoods;
Sustainable Markets. Specialist collections of information concerning
participatory approaches to development, country environmental profiles
and sustainable development strategies, EIA and community wildlife
management are held in IIED’s Resource Centre.
While working mainly in the poorer countries of the
South, IIED also works on northern agendas which have an impact
on global environment and development problems.
IIED’s mission is to make the management of
the world’s natural resources more efficient and equitable;
tackle poverty and environmental damage in the world’s urban
areas; make markets responsible for their social and environmental
impacts; and put in place the local, national and international
framework of policies and plans to make this happen. |
Barry Dalal-Clayton, Steve Bass, Krystyna Swiderska
3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD
Tel: +44-171-388-2117
Fax: +44-171-388-2826