Strategy to Action:
The IUCN Response to the Report of the
World Commission on Environment and Development
IUCN (1989):
From Strategy to Action: The IUCN Response to the Report of the World Commission
on Environment and Development. IUCN, Gland, and Cambridge, UK.
This document
provides a perspective on the activities which IUCN- as the World Conservation
Union- intended to promote and implement in support of the principles of the
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) and UNEP. The comments
and proposals for action are focused on those areas most closely related to
IUCN’s mission and competence, dealing primarily with the management of living
natural resources. The document is ordered into cross-sectoral themes (human
ecology, biological diversity, natural units, global commons, economics, trade
and aid) and cross-sectoral techniques (strategic planning, building institutions
and public support, research and information management, education and training,
and legislation).