nssd Country Dialogues in Pakistan
is involved as a parallel collaborating country in the project "OECD/DAC Donor-Developing
Country Dialogues on National Strategies for Sustainable Development" (nssd).
pages provide country specific information relevant to the implementation of
nssds by the in-country lead team and includes reference material and in-country
project reports
gained during the process of developing Pakistan's National Conservation Strategy
is highly relevant to the nssd process
nssd project
of what's new on this site
National Conservation Strategy
Report from the NCS Mid term Review
Introduction to the NCS Mid term Review
Reports from the NCS Mid term Review
Links to
other relevant sites
Country Dialogues in Pakistan
from country dialogues
Agenda 21, agreed
at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, called on all countries to introduce national
strategies for sustainable development (nssd). Since then, two international
targets have been set: a Special Session of the UN General Assembly (Rio +5)
set a target date of 2002 for nssds to be introduced; while the OECD Development
Assistance Committee (DAC) has set a target date of 2005 for nssds to be in
the process of implementation.
To assist in meeting these
targets, the OECD/DAC initiated a project to develop policy guidance for development
assistance agencies on the development and implementation of nssds. This project,
'OECD/DAC Donor-Developing Country Dialogues on National Strategies for Sustainable
Development', involves a review of experience with nssds (and other strategies
for environment and development) in a number of developing countries, on the
basis of consultations with a range of stakeholders. The project focuses in
particular on the kinds of processes and conditions required to make nssds work
in practice.
National Conservation Strategy
Final Report from the NCS Mid term Review
Mid-Term Review Final Report pages
the full report
(large file)
520 KB
click on the icons below to download individual chapters (smaller file
sizes, faster downloads)
Pakistan's NCS Mid-Term
Review report is the culmination of a one-year effort to undertake a Mid-term
Review (MTR) of the achievements, impacts and prospects of Pakistan's National
Conservation Strategy (NCS) since the beginning of its implementation in 1992.
The report was prepared by an independent review team, based on materials and
information developed through an intensive consultation and review process coordinated
by the Government of Pakistan. The information gathered includes studies, various
background documentation, plus the results of consultative meetings held throughout
Pakistan and involving government, civil society, the private sector and international
donor agencies. The key studies are available as separate
Irrespective of the considerable
methodological challenges attending the task of reviewing the outcomes of such
a wide-ranging initiative as the NCS, with its 14 major objectives and some
68 programs, plus related local initiatives including provincial conservation
strategies, the authors are confident that the overall conclusions and recommendations
of this report will provide a strong basis for achieving enhanced outcomes during
the next phase of the NCS. The review results are directed to each of the major
sectors participating in the implementation of the NCS-federal, provincial and
local governments, civil society organizations including major conservation
bodies such as IUCN-Pakistan, and private sector bodies.
to NCS Mid-Term Review Final Report pages
Term Review: An Introduction:
The Pakistan
National Conservation Strategy (NCS) situated Pakistan's socio-economic development
within the context of a national environmental plan and sustainable development.
Pakistan's NCS was approved by cabinet in March 1992, and has been regarded
as one of the largest and most comprehensive documents of its kind in the world.
The five years of planning that led to the formulation of Pakistan NCS, made
it both a process and a product i.e. a multi-sectoral consultative process of
consensus building and mobilisation of a constituency; and a strategic framework
of 405 pages.
In order to take
stock of the implementation of prescriptions and recommendations made by the
NCS, a major review was mandated mid-way through its ten-year implementation
(1992 – 2002). As a result an extensive Mid Term Review of the Pakistan NCS
was undertaken by the Ministry of Environment Local Government and Rural Development
in partnership with Environment Section of the Planning & Development Division
(P&D Division); IUCN the World Conservation Union and the Sustainable Development
Policy Institute (SDPI) during May 99 – April 2000. CIDA, DFID, SDC, UNDP, the
World Bank and NORAD funded this exercise.
With several nations gearing up to develop their national strategies for sustainable
development in response to a call from United Nations General Assembly and in
the process are reviewing their environmental or sustainable development plans.
The Pakistan NCS MTR experience provides a rich learning ground for all those
nations. For Pakistan the strategic significance of the NCS MTR was marked by
the fact that its results would provide direction for convergence of several
strategic initiatives in the development scenario of Pakistan such as the Poverty
Reduction Strategy, the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) and the Devolution
The NCS MTR process
was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 consisted of information collection that
was completed over a period of 10 months. During this phase various aspects
of the NCS implementation including environmental legislation, mass awareness,
financial resourcing, institutional development, provincial and district strategies
and contribution of private and NGO sectors were reviewed. Moreover, consultations
were carried out at national level. The NCS Unit also developed a database of
all NCS related projects and programmes that were undertaken for NCS implementation
at national and provincial level. Altogether nine studies were developed and
these studies can be downloaded from this web site.
Phase 2 of the NCS MTR was an external review conducted by an independent team
led by Dr. Art Hanson of the International Institute for Sustainable Development
(IISD), including Dr. Aziz Bouzaher of the World Bank, Dr. Stephen Bass of International
Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), and Dr. Ghulam Mohammed Samdani,
a senior development professional from Pakistan. The external review was a month
long process primarily based on background studies and extensive consultations
with NCS stakeholders.
During a one-day stakeholders workshop the External Review Team shared the
findings of the year long process of NCS MTR while putting forward key recommendations.
A large number of stakeholders from public, private and NGO sectors across
Pakistan were present to mark the event. The team has proposed that the NCS
Mark II should be:
A sustainable
development model that must encompass three key dimensions:
Growth, and
draft version of the NCS MTR report is available for downloading as a series
of individual documents from this web site in Acrobat PDF format (see below):
National Conservation Strategy:
Reports from the Mid-term Review
Review of the National Conservation Strategy: A Review of Provincial and
District Conservation Strategies. 29 February 2000. |

183 KB |
National Conservation Strategy: Renewing the Commitment to Action. Draft
Report of the Mid-term Review. July 2000. |

562 KB |
Review of National Conservation Strategy: Environmental Legislation. Final
Report. IUCN-The World Conservation Union. Islamabad. February 29, 2000. |

305 KB |
Review of National Conservation Strategy. Mass Awareness Initiatives.
IUCN-The World Conservation Union. Islamabad. Final Report. February 16,
2000. |

231 KB |
National Conservation Strategy, the Mid Term Review: A Process Overview.
Ministry of Environment. Local Government and Rural Development. National
Conservation Strategy Unit. March 2000. |

88 KB |
National Conservation Strategy Mid Term Review. The Report on Public Consultation
at Federal and Provincial Levels. Ministry of Environment. Local Government
and Rural Development. National Conservation Strategy Unit. March 2000. |

291 KB |
Term Review of Pakistan National Conservation Strategy. A Study of Resourcing
for National Conservation Strategy (NCS) Implementation. Ministry
of Environment, Local Government & Rural Development Government of
Pakistan. Hai, A.A., Applied Economics Research Centre, University of
Karachi. Final Report. March 2000 |

104 KB |
Mid Term Review
of Pakistan National Conservation Strategy. A
Study of the Contribution of the Private Sector and Non-Government Organizations
(NGOs) Towards the Implementation of the Pakistan National Conservation
Strategy (NCS). Ministry of Environment, Local Government & Rural
Development Government of Pakistan. Arshad Zaman Associates. January 25,
2000. |
Main report
KB Annex
413 KB |
Term Review of Pakistan National Conservation Strategy. Institutional
Development for NCS Implementation. Ministry of Environment, Local
Government & Rural Development Government of Pakistan. Aamir Matin
& Aquil Shah, Sub regional Resource Facility, UNDP Islamabad. March
2000. |

173 KB |
Review of Pakistan National Conservation
Strategy – What’s Next?
The strategic significance
of the NCS MTR was marked by the fact that its process and results
provide direction for convergence of several strategic initiatives
in the development scenario of Pakistan. The changing global scenario
and it implications on Pakistan also emerged as an important aspect
of MTR findings.

26 KB |
to other relevant sites
Sustainable Development networking Programme, Pakistan:
gateway to development information for Pakistan - envisioned as a one
stop site for all significant development information on Pakistan that exists
on the web. 'Pakistani Links' are indexed web resources from both Pakistani
and international websites about Pakistan. 'International Links' pertain
to international/global information from selected websites under the same
Country Dialogues in Pakistan

95 KB
Country Dialogue on NSSDs. Final Workshop: Santa Cruise, Bolivia. February
12 6, 2001. Pakistan Country Report